Erbacipollina | Food Marketing Agency


Philip Kotler, one of the founding fathers of modern marketing, defines social listening as the “process that consists in keeping proactively up to date about what is being said on the internet about a brand, particularly on social media and online communities“.

Now more than ever is very important not to overestimate what customers are saying about us. We are living in the digital era and social media allows everybody to express themselves freely. Listening to your audience means constantly improving yourself, monitoring initiatives, and receiving immediate feedback.

Social Listening is a strategic activity that can be beneficial to your brand.

Why Social Media Listening is useful for your Food Brand

The brand reputation is an essential online and offline element to building effective relationships with potential and loyal customers. Social media listening can give you a real picture of what the users think, precisely because on social media they release information that they probably wouldn’t release by answering direct questions during a classic market investigation.

It is not about a simple monitoring of company web pages and a quantitative evaluation of likes, comments, shares, and mentions, but rather a more thorough job, that starts from analysis, and also explores the identification of the followers’ sentiment of your brand and the users that talk about your company on social media.

Through the identification of precise data and information and from their elaboration the brand image emerges, which means the perception that your target audience has of your brand, from which it is possible to define a series of marketing activities to improve it and consolidate it.

How the social listening is carried out

The strategic listening to what happens on social media requires the intervention of a specialist that knows how to identify and analyze conversations about your brand, but the ability of the Food Social Media Manager must be associated with technologies able to simplify a job that would be difficult.

If you want to imagine the amount of data a social listening expert would have to manually collect, just think of how many posts, comments, and reviews one single user, who has come into contact with your food brand, can share.

Through tools dedicated to this activity, the specialist can filter the essential information and elaborate useful report aimed at implementing effective digital marketing strategies.

Erbacipollina’s social listening strategies

The Erbacipollina social team, thanks to specific tools, is strongly oriented to Social Listening and it develops the best strategies to:

  • Manage the online reputation of its clients
  • Identify consumer insight
  • Monitor direct and indirect competitors
  • Safeguard social channels
  • Plan marketing and communication campaigns
  • Manage the flame and operate to avoid crisis around the brand

If you are looking for a partner, able to use social listening to help a brand to become a leader in the Food&Beverage sector, get in touch with us at Erbacipollina.

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