Erbacipollina | Food Marketing Agency

Digital Food

Doing Food Advertising means conveying high-impact, highly persuasive messages and visuals in major online media to attract and persuade potential customers browsing the web.

Images, concepts, and words in food adv are skillfully used to achieve strategic objectives and highlight brand values.

Food Advertising to convert users into customers

Food Advertising requires the combination of creativity, advanced marketing techniques, and the use of cutting-edge digital platforms to persuade a potential customer to buy a product or fall in love with a brand.

Online advertising of Food & Beverage products or brands can leverage multiple channels and platforms (Google Ads, Youtube, Sky, Shopify, Outbrain, Teads) and be set up with different methodological approaches.

For this reason, any message that is created for adv must be highly customized.

Therefore, if we want to convert users into customers, it is necessary to work on an integrated communication strategy, in which each media and each marketing activity must have its goal and do its part to achieve the overall result.

That is why if we talk about food advertising, the priority at Erbacipollina is to draw up a media plan.

Digital Food Advertising and Media Plan

When it comes to Digital Food Advertising, a well-thought-out Media Plan makes it possible to define the targets and media on which the ads will be published and to optimize costs.

Generally speaking, the planning involves the following steps:

  1. Choosing the message to be communicated and the target audience to address it.
  2. Identification of the most suitable media to convey the message through strategic analysis.
  3. Development of a campaign concept and creative idea. This includes identifying the right images, words, tone of voice, and style creating the perfect mix of creativity and effectiveness to best convey the message and brand.

The Food Advertising Agency that follows you to success

With Food Advertising, unlike traditional media advertising not connected to the web, you can reach very specific targets based on their interests, but more importantly, you can track the results so you can act accordingly with a strategy based on Marketing Automation.

To achieve excellent results, however, it is essential to put several professionals, who specialized in precise activities, to work. We at Erbacipollina provide you with ADV Specialists who know the food market perfectly and all the other professionals needed to create successful digital campaigns, for example: Analysts, Graphic Designers, Copywriters, Photographers, and Videomakers.

From the very first contact with our client, we pay great attention to communication, because we believe it is essential to fix the key points of the strategy, find important information and know the internal point of view of the company.

This collaborative approach allows us to create online advertising campaigns that reflect your brand and speak to your potential customers.

Even after the launch of the ads, we stay by your side to monitor results, optimize campaigns as needed, and present you with the results achieved.

Contact us and tell us about the goals you want to achieve through Food ADV, and we will show you how to create successful campaigns.

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