Erbacipollina | Food Marketing Agency

Food Social Media Marketing

Social networks are aggregation, entertainment, information, advertising space, and have a great advantage over other communication channels: audience response.

Communicating the food & beverage market on social media means creating strategies and content that will whet consumers’ appetites.

Thanks to Food Social Media Marketing you can:

  • Thrill, engage, make your fans love you
  • Increase the awareness and authority of your brand online
  • Become memorable in the minds of your fans
  • Be sure that your community perceives your brand in the right way
  • Increasing online and offline sales

A Social Media Food agency creates engaging content

On social it is all about the quality of the content one posts and the ability to stop the user scrolling through the feed, the stories, the reels on their smartphone.

To be effective, a post must engage and lead the user to take an action (comment, share, like).

For quality content, you have to rely on an agency specialised in Social Media Food, such as Erbacipollina, capable of creating:

The visual and textual part must be specifically designed to attract users who are on target with your business and to turn them first into followers and then into customers.

It is the task of the agency and its Food Social Media Managers also to create editorial plans in which the creation and publication of content on the various social media on which your brand is active is planned.

La Food Social Media Agency che trasforma i follower in clienti

Erbacipollina is the Social Media Food Agency that attracts the attention of your target consumers by creating design, graphics, creative and engaging visuals, speaking the language of food & beverage, optimising your adv budget for maximum conversions.

We create SMM strategies for both B2C and B2B, supporting e-commerce or service sellers (online and/or offline) and leading retail and Ho.Re.Ca. companies.

The strategic model we use to create and propose effective content for different types of users is the typical Inbound Marketing model, the Funnel:

  • Awareness phase: intercept the user who does not yet know the brand or service offered
  • Consideration phase: interest the user by proposing authoritative content, and make sure it is positioned in their mind
  • Conversion phase: obtaining a conversion from the user (purchase, contact, specific online or offline action)

To get more conversions and faster, we use Social Media Advertising, which uses the world’s largest and most profiled database to date and gives you the possibility of reaching your specific audience with high precision.

Fundamental is also the use of retargeting, which makes it possible to resume communication with the user who has shown interest in the brand and to guide him towards conversion by proposing content and ads created specifically for him.

Moving in the right direction when it comes to social media marketing is complex, and when it comes to food it becomes even more so. The in-depth knowledge of Food & Beverage Marketing that characterises the Erbacipollina team is the lever that can make your brand and products stand out on social media.

Contact us and let’s create your Food Social Media Marketing strategy together.

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