Erbacipollina | Food Marketing Agency

Grandi Riso

The Grandi Riso S.p.A. is a company that has made the valorization of the Po Delta territory a real mission. The largest company of the Consorzio di tutela del riso IGP of the Po Delta, it is the only rice mill in Italy capable of carrying out the rice drying directly in-house, while keeping the batches coming from the fields, separate.


Launching a digital campaign to promote the Po Delta PGI, that safeguards a “natural, unique and social” product, excellent in terms of organoleptic qualities and nutritional values.

What we did:

  • Creation of a video about the territory of the Po and the rice processing
  • Release of the video on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube
  • Native advertising campaign
  • Press office

The creative process:

  1. To promote the Po Delta PGI, we focused on a tale of the outstanding features of the rice, through images of places full of ancient charm.
  2. Video and copy were designed to enhance the company’s relationship with farmers, who are the first fundamental actors of a short, transparent and trackable supply chain, and to highlight the attention to the topic of environmental sustainability.
  3. With the press office activity, a work of digital communication was supported, through the release of a video on the different channels of the company.