Erbacipollina | Food Marketing Agency


Valgrì is a company from Campania, specialised in the cultivation of Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio DOP, a typical product from the slopes of Vesuvius. Moreover, the company produces different lines of preserves, mainly devoted to the Ho.Re.Ca sector.


Rethinking the structure of the website from the SEO perspective, revising the graphic style to enhance the quality and the authenticity of the company’s greatest products.

What we did:

  • Website
  • E-commerce
  • SEO and copywriting
  • Catalogue of products

The creative process:

  1. Creation of the keyword map for the positioning of the website and the products on search engines, to increase the target organic traffic.
  2. Creation of the new website and implementation of the e-commerce, characterised by a warm image that enhances the high quality of products.
  3. Creation of the product catalogue, to standardise the new corporate image and communicate it to buyers