Erbacipollina | Food Marketing Agency


Taste, design, and communication are our great passions. That is why we are the first agency that deals exclusively with marketing for Food&Beverage companies.

Food Copywriting is one of the key elements through which we enhance the distinctive features of our customers, with a creative and concrete approach.

We create efficient and engaging communication, combining the right words with the studied visual.

Food Copy for every need and communication channel

The underlying principle that our copywriters follow is enhancing with words the food&beverage heritage of our country, the quality of the Italian agri-food industry and the characteristics of every ingredient, recipe, and beverage.

Erbacipollina’s Food Copywriters write creative and effective texts that aim at making your company known and helping sell your products.

We can create texts for online and offline communication strategies, that can be published on:

  • Websites
  • Blog
  • E-commerce
  • Social media
  • Newsletter
  • Web advertising
  • Advertising on the traditional media (tv, radio, printed paper)
  • Press releases
  • Brochure

Food Copywriting and Content Marketing: allied for a successful communication

Together with the copywriter, Erbacipollina also offers Content Marketing solutions, such as the production of content of value that is published on digital platforms, adequate to intercept your target audience (for example blog, website, e-commerce, social).

Erbacipollina’s copy knows how to tell the Food&Beverage world, your company’s history, and the features that encourage people to choose your products.

The process is based on the concept of the customer “conquest”: the consumer is more and more submitted to different types of advertising, on a growing quantity of media and he is sick of empty content, that directly encourages him to buy a product or rely on a service.

The customer’s attention and trust are achieved through the creation of useful and interesting content, that answers his specific questions and interests. In this way the dynamics are reversed: it is not the company that is looking for the customer, but it is the customer that seeks for the company to satisfy his needs.

Copy Food & SEO: content that users and search engines like

Content writing inevitably entails the so-called writing SEO-friendly,that is optimised texts written for search engines, where they use the most useful keywords to attract your target customers and they take care of the structure, as well as the quality of the content.

Nowadays it is of the utmost importance to meet the needs of users that do online research, writing texts that can answer their questions, in the most effective format and perfectly viewable by the device they are using (smartphone, tablet, computer desktop).

Our Food Copywriters know how to step in the reader’s shoes, offering him your company’s message, but they are also able to use SEO principles to index and rank in SERP the content.

This technical part has to be associated with the more creative and communicative one, to achieve Food Copywriting that can bring a good flow of users to your blog, website, and e-commerce.

If you want that your texts represent your brand and that achieve good results on Google, get in touch with us at Erbacipollina.

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